Saturday, June 25, 2011

one week.

That's the amount of time until I'm in Guatemala. I'm in the states for even less time (two days to be exact). Woah. It's part crazy, part scary, and part exciting all at once!

Vinny just returned from Argentina yesterday. He oh so sweetly gave me a plaque with a quote (in Spanish, of course) that perfectly fits how I'm feeling as I jump into this whole thing. So much that I thought I'd share it with you:

"Nunca abandones un sueno sin darle la oportunidad de convertirse en realidad."

"Never abandon a dream without giving it the chance to become a reality."

Teaching kids in Latin America has been a dream of mine since the beginning of high school. The fact that it is actually materializing has yet to fully hit me. I don't know that it will until I'm down there. For now, I'll remain in awe about the portion that has hit me :)

Newsflash: I'm gonna be teaching adorable Spanish-speaking kids! Yahoo! For those that don't know, I will be a librarian and an English teacher at an orphanage of about 350. The organization is called Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, or Our Little Brothers and Sisters. It is a non-profit that was started by a priest (native to Arizona!) that saw a need in Mexico. The organization has since expanded to 8 other countries. On top of being inspiring in general, it makes wonderful promises such as accepting all siblings in a family and not abandoning a child before age 18. For obvious reasons, NPH gets a gold star in my book! If you'd like to read more, check out their website:

Alright, I guess I should get back to packing. Don't want to forget anything, right Mom?