Saturday, March 31, 2012

lookin' spiffy.

For the past few weeks, there has been a dance competition every Saturday. The theme this time around was the local Guatemalan dance! So, naturally, all the competing sections dressed up in la traje típica for their performance. If these spiffed up kids (with fake mustaches and all) don't make you totally swoon, then I don't know what will..

Monday, March 26, 2012

señor evans.

Instead of working last week, I took un poquito de vacaciones since Dom came to visit! It had been a long time coming, but was well worth the wait. The week started off greeting him at the airport with a "Señor Evans" sign. From there we headed to NPH where I gave him the grand tour. It concluded in el comedor at dinnertime, in which all the girls just HAD to get to know the Justin Bieber look-a-like (ha). As we were leaving, a group of boys caught up to us. We had a conversation a little like this..

Cluster of 13 year olds: "Kristi! Who's that?" "Your brother?"
Me: "Haha. No, no. He's my boyfriend."
Cluster: "Ohhh.. Un be-so! Un be-so!"
Me: "Too bad guys.. he doesn't understand Spanish."
Quick-on-their-feet cluster: "One kiss! One kiss!"
Us: "Hahaha."
[Kristina blows a kid-friendly kiss that Dom cheesily catches]
Cluster: "Ah, come on.."
Second stop: Antigua. We visited the Choco Museo, ate delicious banana bread, hiked El Cerro de la Cruz, and enjoyed a rooftop dinner of enchiladas and beers. Later, it was lake time! It was there that we entered typical tourist mode of taking in sun, playing card games, attempting to swim, hiking, and lots of eating. Overall it was a wonderful, wonderful trip with my non-Spanish-speaking Aussie :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

a little irish spirit.

If you thought Saint Patrick's Day flew right by me just because I'm in Central America, you are wrong my friend. I celebrated it not once, not twice, but tres times!
I first celebrated on Thursday with my English class. I taught them vocabulary and shared how I used to make leprechaun shoe-box traps as a kid. Sam and I then took all our students outside to play a game with the Irish song, "Bonnie." Later that night, I headed down to visit my little boys. Since they always ask for a bedtime story, I went with a festive one. And, of course, I included the importance of wearing green. When I went back on Saturday to check, I was definitely able to do my fair share of pinching! Unfortunately, they just countered it by pinching back (even though I wore a TON of green haha).

On the actual day, I spent the morning making irish soda bread with the classic Healy recipe. Even without finding buttermilk down here, it turned out really well! Once day turned to night, we had ourselves a good time by festively donning temporary tattoos and heading to the irish pub in town. It was lots o' fun!

Monday, March 12, 2012

too punny.

Recently, it's been ALL the rage with my boys to tell me jokes and riddles when I head down to the section. They make me laugh like no other. I love it so much, that I thought I'd share a few with those of you Spanish speakers :)

Que dijo Daddy Yankee a la escalera? "Tu me dejaste caer.."

Que dijo un bosque a otro bosque? Vos, que?

Que dijo un pes a otro pes? Nada, nada, nada.

Que dijo un semáforo a otro semáforo? No me mires, porque estoy cambiando!


Sunday, March 11, 2012


Yesterday, Sam and I headed down to la Casa de Bebes for the afternoon. I'm telling ya.. if you ever need a pick-me-up, they are your go-to-people. They are full of hugs, loves, and smiles. We played pretend restaurant (in which they ended up poisoning Sam haha), had a crayon war, and gave cosquis or tickles to the littlest of the bunch. In my opinion, it was the perfect Saturday afternoon.

Monday, March 5, 2012

sunny day.

Yesterday was a beautifully sunny day. Thus, obviously, the number one activity on everyone's schedule was to get outside! Good thing we didn't forget our baseball caps or classy shades as protection :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

kitchen escapades.

If you know me, you know that I'm no Rachel Ray or Paula Deen in the kitchen. It's the running joke with my family that I can't cook, because even my little brother surpasses me with his omelette-making skills. Thus, I have recently taken on the challenge to quicken my way around the kitchen and learn new recipes from other volunteers. And so far, I've done pretty well! Don't believe me? See: Exhibit A and Exhibit B. Last weekend Liz and I were looking for ideas to utilizar some coconuts we had purchased. Not only did we make coconut shortbread with a malibu glaze, we also had enough leftover to make delicious coconut chicken. Then, last night, I experimented with corn dog muffins. And they weren't half bad! Let's see if I can continue the tasty trend.