Tuesday, August 16, 2011

meet: the cho chens and the bolóns.

As of this weekend, I have successfully completed two proyectos familiares! Family projects are a time for those kids at NPH who have siblings to hang out with one another. With each volunteer signing up for two a month, it provides each family about 4 chances each year to do something fun together. From cooking a pizza, to walking into town for ice cream, to playing soccer in the park.. the opportunities are endless! At the end each sibling leaves with an afternoon of memories and a commemorative photo of the gang. Adorable, right?
Yvonne showed me the ropes my first time around. We had the Cho Chen family. Although there are 6 kids in total, we ran into the conflict that the two college-aged siblings had opposite schedules. We decided to make this one during the week and have the next one be during the weekend so that it was an even trade-off. The kids started off the afternoon playing soccer with one another. Once the sister from college arrived, we walked to the park where an epic game of UNO took place. This family truly embodied what proyecto familiar is all about: they were excited to see each other, held hands when crossing the street, and never hesitated to share their guacamole-flavored chips with each other. It definitely warmed my heart.
The next time, I was on my own. I contacted Jose and Maria to see what they were interested in doing. They decided an action movie it was! I met them on Sunday afternoon under the tree (the go-to spot at NPH). With chips and soda in hand, we headed to the library. We enjoyed an afternoon of pouring rain from inside the library as we watched 21. It was the perfect, laid back Sunday afternoon with the cutest brother/sister pair.

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