Sunday, April 15, 2012

las cositas.

It's always the little things. They stick with you the most. And, when you spend all of Semana Santa with your boys, there are bound to be un montón of little moments. Like when they discover that you have way more freckles than they do. And then proceed to count your freckles. All of them. Or when you make a game out of chasing Chris down before dinner because he nabbed your flip flop. Or when they become obsessed with "down by the banks of the hanky panky" when you teach it to them. Even though they have no patience to wait for "Ker-plunk, you're out!" Or when they inform you that you and so-and-so are twins since you share the same popsicle color. Or when you watch Jose sprinkle chocolate chip muffin on his refried beans. It adds flavor, obbbviously. Or when you find three or four boys using you as a recliner as you watch an afternoon movie together. And then cutely fall asleep like that.

It's the little things <3

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