Saturday, July 30, 2011

feliz día de chófer!

I found today very fitting to blog about the ever-famous chicken bus, or camioneta. Mark, Molly, and I realized today was "Happy Chauffeur Day!" since music was bumpin' when we pulled into the bus station. Each chauffeur had taken it upon himself to celebrate in correct fashion. Whether an arch of balloons, colorful streamers, or even Christmas garland, they sure knew how to embellish their already-colorful buses for the big day.

Now, what exactly is a chicken bus? There are, in fact, no chickens on these buses. Rather, it is the name given to the mode of public transportation here. If I had to go with an animal name, I would actually call it a "sardine bus," as passengers are packed like sardines. Back during the good ol' SSJ elementary school days, I would share a seat with fellow kindergartener Chelsea. Here, Chelsea is replaced by a family of four. That's right folks, there were FIVE of us in one seat. Que loco, no? Let's just say these chauffeurs know how to get their money's worth.

The amount of passengers is not the only shocker about these chicken buses. Every ride is a new adventure. The man who collects bus fare weaves in and out of passengers in the aisle, hangs halfway out the bus calling down to pedestrians, and even climbs on top of the bus to gather belongings... while the bus navigates through windy roads. You're pretty much always guaranteed this sight. Every so often, you'll get another sight. While waiting for the bus to rival a sardine can at the station, solicitors hop on to ask for money. Sometimes it's a darling child, other times it's a grandma with poor eyesight. Today? Well today we had a man who began his story and, halfway through, ripped open his shirt to unveil a bag that evidently contained part of his intestines (blood, guts, and all). Yup. Thank you, chicken bus. You always seem to keep the excitement alive.

1 comment:

  1. haha sounds just like ecuador buses! also, i should tell you that Hannah and I sat with 4 other people on a LONG DISTANCE bus ride for a good hour or so. twas quite the enjoyable experience
