Monday, July 4, 2011

first post from guatemala!

Estoy aqui! And boy, is it stunning. We are in the midst of rainy season so the flora and fauna is green and thriving! While I may be giving up a typical Phoenix summer, I will gladly take the rain if it means so much natural beauty around me. What else surrounds me? Why a bunch of energetic kids, of course!

Today concluded Day 1 of orientation. I feel like already so much has happened since arriving into Guatemala City on Saturday night. Since then I have settled into my temporary room, toured the grounds of NPH, met all of the volunteers, gone into town for a typical Guatemalan meal, figured out how to not shower in freezing cold water, and watched a fantastically entertaining dance competition between the kids. Oh, and I've eaten more frijoles than I've probably consumed this entire year! But you don't have to tell me.. I'm gonna get used to it :)

These next two weeks are full of orientation, training, and information galore. This may sound dull, but I am loving it! It is the window of time in which the 9 of us "newbies" overlap with the current volunteers. Since we will be inheriting their positions, it is incredibly helpful to have them here. Later this week we will be shadowing them so as to learn the ropes. I can't wait!

I'm currently having a bit of trouble uploading photos, but I promise to keep trying! Get excited for what's to come.

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